
Western Michigan 09.01.12


Had some brake work done on the 'ole shortbus over the summer.  Found a new mechanic that not only seems to know what he's doing, but with whom I can communicate sans translator.  Approaching the 2012 shortbus season with great optimism.

We've got a new coach with a plan.  Got some veteran talent on both sides of the ball.  Approaching the football season full of renewed optimism.

But then...

Got a call 44 hours before kickoff that the bus had a flat tire.  Oh, and we're supposed to get 5-6 inches of rain in Champaign on Saturday. 

The fellas at Goodyear on Neil St. in Champaign were a God-send.  Got me fixed up by 8:20 AM and I didn't miss a beat..... until about half way from the TI to the lot.  Had a gasoline smell and engine seems to need fuel.  Hmmmmmm

Bit of a leak.  Sorry for the stink nice family we pulled up next to.  And thank you for not smoking.

And my genius tent idea was, well, stupid.  Not a great start to the tailgating season.

But we won the game and ole' Jer fixed me up after the game.  $10 for a new fuel filter and we were back in the groove.  Bus fixed.  1-0.  Plenty of optimism.

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