We've always talked about a trip to Happy Valley and this year made a lot of sense.
HUGE shout-out to DB for his acceptance of the invitation, willingness to sacrifice his car for tailgating, and for bringing that stupid little charcoal grill that, it turns out, is contraband in State College- but man were we glad to have it. You rock - D!
First some scenery:
Far cry from Central IL.
Mt. Nittnay We didn't tailgate too far away.
It's like Disneyworld.
Joe-Pa. Actually pretty cool.
The tailgating:

That silly little grill couldn't have been more conspicuous in a giant lot that outlaws charcoal. With our keen sense of thermodynamics, wind mechanics, and culinary heat transfer theory, we were able to cook, eat, and prevent the west half of Pennsylvania from burning to the ground.
Nothing says tailgaiting like Peach Schnapps. Seriously, you can't buy a 12 pack at 8 am on a Saturday morning in PA? Never been so sad to see the last Natty Light come out of the cooler. Oh, and I found it really hard to party sideways. Hills suck.
The game:
Pretty impressive. Gotta give it to the Big House, though.
I could get used to this. Nice win, boys!
Gotta admit. I was pretty amped to see what I've been told repeatedly is the best tailgating in the Big 10. Now, maybe we were in the turd lot, maybe there was a great party off-site that we weren't invited to, or maybe they were all hung over from a Friday night Mad-Dog bender. But I was not impressed. Huge crowd - but as has been said, "do not confuse activity with achievement". Pretty subdued event, in my opinion.
However, the experience was awesome, the drive though the hills in October was cool, and meeting some east coast Phi's in the middle of nowhere was well worth the trip. Being present at the first ever win in Beaver Stadium was pretty cool too. We play there again next year - I know how to get there - who's in!