I didn't grow up a U of I sports fan. In basketball, I remember Phi Slamma Jamma from Houston and a little of the Flying Illini, but was much more of a Bradley fan, watching Hersey Hawkins on my little black and white TV mom got me one Christmas. In football, I remember Doug Floutie's Hail Mary, Brian Bosworth, Cal's miraculous return, and I actually owned a UCLA jersey (mesh of course) because I liked the colors. But I have no "history" with U of I athletics. Hell, even when I was in Champaign, I think I attended 4 basketball games and my football memories are, shall we say, fuzzy.
I envy my friends that grew up huge Illini fans. Reeser can recite stats, play sequences, national title implications, and even the friggin weather from the games he attended in the 80's. I didn't even know Memorial Stadium existed until I visited with my dad one weekend in August before school started my freshman year (right after some idiots torched the Astroturf -remember that?).
I don't know how long we'll get to enjoy these six (com'on Ron, give us seven) weekends each year - but enjoying a beautiful September day tailgating at a U of I football game with my friends and family is, well, absolutely Perfect.
Well, Addy and Caleb got some use out of the new cabinet. Note the Natty Light up top.
Caleb and the Floyd boys. Derek, next time, park in Mahomet - it's closer :)

Atta boy Caleb! Note how his feet are strategically positioned to cover up his ole' man's crappy spraypaint cover-up of the one blemish we got during the bus's first winter.
Katie, I stole this picture from you. Because it rocks.
The weather was awesome and I got to drink beer and smoke pork for 7 hours before the game, I partied with some friends I haven't seen in more than a decade, Jesse showed up (crow tastes good), and we won the damn game. But there were some little ones hanging out with us that appeared to have a ball. Maybe one day they'll recite the stats, tell about how we ended ISU's 2009 National Title hopes, speak of the perfect weather, and marvel at the memory of Mr. Seidman's dancing. And some day, when I pass the keys to the bus on to them, they will hold a special place in their heart for the silly old man that introduced them to this lunacy. And they'll get me and Reeser a case of Natty so I can watch my son pass J.C. Caroline on the all time Illini rushing list.
Or maybe, they'll just pat me on the head, hand me a Bud Light-8 calorie -Ultra Lime Super Energy-Cool Enhancing Beer, and let me take a nap in the cool, dark, quiet space under the cabinet in the bus.